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About KaiLei language lab
The early analog sound lab can do teachers and students, communication, namely real-time YuYinShi teaching, the students' listening to correct pronunciation and has very great help. I company developed in KL-6600,, and 7600, in a language lab KL at that time has certain advanced.However, with the development of science and technology, and the continuous improvement of the foreign language teaching requirements, the original pure speech form of language lab equipment and function already can not adapt to the needs of the new teaching pattern. Digital network language lab is in the modern educat... More>>
  • KL-9900W All digital network-based language learning system

    ·Products overview Carlyle digital network language learning system is based on Ethernet networks, the general rules of the equipment, through digital transmission, a thoroughly professional translation of listening, speaking, reading and wri...

  • KL-9600A Multi-media Digital Language-learning System

    Product Name: KL-9600A Multi-media Digital Language-learning System Specification: KL-9600A Product class: Teaching Epuitment >> Multi-medi...

  • KL-9600B Multi-media Digital Language-learning System

    Product Name: KL-9600B Multi-media Digital Language-learning System Specification: KL-9600B Product cl...

  • KL-7600B Multi-media Digital Simulation Language Learning System

    Product Name: KL-7600B Multi-media Digital Simulation Language Learning System Specification: KL-7600B ...

  • KL-7600A Simulation language learning system

    Product Name: KL-7600A Multi-media Digital Simulation Language Learning System Specification: KL-7600A ...

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